Shared learning

    Key points

  • Consider how you are going to share your experiences and learning from your work
  • Consider how YPAG members can be involved in sharing their experiences

“I really appreciated the discussion and your opinions on the questions I had prepared. I am confident your comments will help our team in improving the design of our clinical trial”

While the knowledge base on children and young people’s involvement in research is growing, more evidence is needed on why, how, when, and where young people are involved in health research and the impact of this involvement on both the research and the young people involved. So, as well as using evaluation to improve and develop your YPAG and report back to funders and other stakeholders it is also important to think about how you can share the learning from your evaluation with others.

This might include:

  • Writing and disseminating learning from your evaluation in reports, blog posts, etc
  • Writing articles in academic journals and other publications
  • Speaking at conferences and other events
  • Working with young people to think of other creative ways to share your learning, podcasts for example.

Case studies

PLUTO case study

Find out how the PLUTO team reached out to young people.

You can also record learning from individual study activities in the form of case studies.

This is a really good way to capture the impact of YPAG input into the study design.