- Consider how YPAG members can be involved in evaluating the group and experiences
- Support members in evaluation techniques/methods
- Support members to write up the evaluation
Key points
“It’s important for young people to have their say on research because we have different views and needs”
Think about how members of your YPAG could be involved in evaluating the group and its impact. They will have unique perspectives and it’s also a great chance for them to learn and practice research skills. For example:
- Designing evaluation tools
- Co-facilitating focus groups or interviews with their peers and other stakeholders
- Analysing and writing up evaluation data
- Co-authoring articles, presenting at conferences, etc
Building evaluation into YPAG meetings – Examples
Example 1 – Wall of questions
Put 3 pieces of flip chart paper on the wall with a question on each one, ask members to write answers to the questions on post its and stick on a flip chart when done:
- What did you enjoy/think was good about today?
- Is there anything you think we could do better, or differently next time?
- Any other comments or ideas on future meetings, or how you want this group to work
Example 2 – Wall of likes
Put 3 pieces of flip chart paper on the wall with a smiley face on each one, ask members to write on a post-it, and stick on the appropriate flip chart (smiley, sad or puzzled):
- Something I liked about today’s meeting
- Something I didn’t like or thought could have been better<
- Something I didn’t understand or wasn’t sure about
Example 3 – Evaluation dartboards
Stick the dartboards on the wall and give each young person small dot stickers and ask them to put one sticker on each dartboard to rate how they feel about each session.
Example 4 – Stand in a line
Stick smiley faces on the wall (either end + neural one in the middle), ask young people a series of questions, and ask them to stand where they feel is best (i.e. like a Likert scale from strongly agree to disagree along the wall). For example:
- I really enjoyed the meeting today
- I understood everything we were told
- I think there was the right balance between adults and young people talking
- I think our involvement in this project will really make a difference
- I thought there weren’t enough snacks
Can potentially add in a few silly statements too (e.g. ‘it’s better to go on holiday by the sea or on a mountain’, ‘young people today spend too much time online’ etc). After each question (apart from the silly ones) ask some people from various points in the line why they’re standing where they are and make notes of any feedback on a flip chart.